Chiropractic, Acupuncture & Magnawave Offered by Dr. Abbey Smith
Chiropractic care can help maintain the alignment of the spine and limbs of animal patients whether they're going into the show ring, battling a chronic illness, or having trouble getting around at home.
Acupuncture is the stimulation of nerve bundles, blood vessels, inflammatory cells, and lymph vessels at different points on the body. This aids in the stimulation of relaxation, healing, and resetting the internal systems of the body.
Magnawave delivers Pulsed Electromagnetic Frequencies up to 16 inches into tissues to decrease pain and inflammation as well as improve circulation, wound healing, neurologic function. This is very helpful for those who aren't a fan of acupuncture needles.
Acupuncture is the stimulation of nerve bundles, blood vessels, inflammatory cells, and lymph vessels at different points on the body. This aids in the stimulation of relaxation, healing, and resetting the internal systems of the body.
Magnawave delivers Pulsed Electromagnetic Frequencies up to 16 inches into tissues to decrease pain and inflammation as well as improve circulation, wound healing, neurologic function. This is very helpful for those who aren't a fan of acupuncture needles.
·Small and large animal patients accepted
·Increase mobility, longevity and well-being of your animal
·Help patients recover quickly from injuries
·Increase performance of show animals
·Help your animal live a longer, healthier life!
·Magnawave can increase tissue oxygenation, circulation, toxin elimination, flexibility, range of motion, cellular metabolism, and endurance.
·Magnawave can decrease pain, inflammation, swelling, soreness, stiffness, and stress.
Frequently Asked Questions
How long are sessions?
Anywhere from 10-30 minutes for small animal patients and 15-60min for large animal patients. We try to keep the experience pleasant for everyone involved so we work with the patient to keep them comfortable during the treatment time.
Is Magnawave safe for patients with chronic illnesses?
Yes, this is a drug free way to help your patients feel better from short term injuries or promote overall well being. For instance, an elderly dog with liver issues can benefit from this type of pain control as they may not have as many options for medicine when it comes to pain control for arthritis.
Can Magnawave be done on farms for large animal patients?
Yes, all we need is electricity to plug in the machine!
Can Magnawave help show animals/livestock keep up with show schedules?
Yes, Magnawave can help before and after shows to keep animals in top shape. It can also help with any soft tissue injuries sustained from showing or hauling to shows.
Why is my animal twitching during the session?
This is normal and means that the pulse is encountering resistance in the body tissue. This isn't intended to be painful for the patient, but can feel odd to them. Some areas can be more sensitive than others and we can adjust the settings on the machine to a more comfortable setting for the patient.